I think I’ve got everything licked, finally, but you never know. Remember, only alter backup copies of your driver, so if the patch causes problems you can just go back to the original “plain vanilla” version! If you do run into any kind of problems, please don't hesitate to e–mail me!
v3.0 -- Released 22 June 1995
Updated the "normal" version of the patches to handle the LW8.3 driver.
Included the "old normal" versions for LW8.2.2 to avoid having multiple
packages in the various archive sites.
Updated the documentation to reflect the above changes.
v2.3 -- Released 19 June 1995
Added a special version to the package to handle the LW8.2.2f driver.
Increased version number on old patches to v2.3 for simplicity's sake.
Updated the documentation to reflect the fax driver patches.
v2.2 -- Released 23 March 1995
Re–released with updated documentation in DOCMaker format.
v2.1 -- Released 19 March 1995
Released to make the patch work with version 8.2.2 of the LaserWriter driver.
v2.0 -- Released 14 October 1994
Released to make the patch work with version 8.2 of the LaserWriter driver.
v1.5 -- Released 27 May 1994
After helpful hints from Jay (sorry I don’t know the last name, but e-mail is puc@cosmail1.ctd.ornl.gov), I was able to track down the PrintMonitor problem. By doing a “Get Info” on the modified driver is ResEdit, Jay discovered that the “MultiFinder Compatible” flag was no longer set, thus not letting the print driver be “shared” after the PrintMonitor took it over. After running some tests and communicating with Michael Hecht, ResCompare’s author, I got a bug fix for ResCompare and made a new patch. Now everything works (knock on wood)!
Generated a separate small patch to disable the page borders on n-up printing, if you so desire. A number of people had requested this feature, but I didn’t want to make it mandatory.
Updated my e-mail address in the documentation.
v1.1 -- Released 05 Feb 1994
Regenerated the patch with ResCompare; more testing.
Fixed (hopefully!) the “PrintMonitor error,” in which the user could not send a document to the PrintMonitor while another was printing.
Updated documentation to reflect tests made on LW8.0 driver by Joel Laird (JOEL.LAIRD%MSFC6PO@x400gw.msfc.nasa.gov).